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We also stand
- Cut The Heat, a palomino Hollywood Dun It AQHA
- Little Lucky Streke, a Black and White Homozygous APHA
- Kolored by Krymsun double registered loud APHA/AQHA
Check our NURSERY page for this years foals, and visit our YEARLINGS and TWOs page for other babies too!
Information and Details on our Stallions:
Stats First Goodbar
AQHA Cremello Stallion
Click here for Bloodlines
Fee is $600
Click here for our Stallion Breeding Contract
Click Here for a Breakdown of Fees and Commonly Asked Questions
CR Hes Good Money
Fee is $600
AQHA Buckskin Stallion
Click here for Bloodlines
AQHA Cremello Stallion for service
Shipped Semen Available
There may be a few futurity breedings available, NSBA, WVQHA, CVPHC, PPHC, CPHC, PHBA as well that make his offspring eligible for those as well.
Both these stallions are 16h on the stick... neither have any impressive. Bloodline wise, there are some links for some detailed pedigrees, below. We purchased both horses after their 'futurity days' and although both are broke to ride, neither has been shown. This year was our first foal crop from both stallions. The cremello (Aka Stats First Goodbar or "Little E") did have one filly from an APHA mare that is now 3 years old, a loud palomino overo. He also had another filly, this time a palomino minimal, from the same mare thats now a yearling. We had two buckskins on the farm from him this year, a palomino, and had some outside customers breed and get buckskins, a palomino, and a smokey black that turned beautifully blue roan. "E" is genetically a cremello roan, as his sire, Goodbar in Gold, is genetically a palomino roan. Yes, palomino and buckskin associations state plainly that one cannot show in their association "exhibiting roan, dun, appaloosa or grey characteristics" but, the roan gene only affects the body color with roan hairs, not the legs, mane or tail... so in a palomino that roans, they typically just look like a lighter palomino... color wise. On a buckskin that roans, they look like a buttermilk buckskin. It doesnt touch the points or head/legs/mane or tail. Now on a smokey black(which is a black horse to the eye outside when you look at it, but inside genetically its a black horse with a "creme" gene) on a smokey black that roans out, it turns the body roan, blue, and leaves the legs, head, mane and tail black... which results in a denim bluejean looking blue roan, which in my opinion is stunning! Very excited that E can pass on that goodbar trait to some of his babies...
His dam, Stats Nicolette, is a multiple world champion PHBA mare that was still showing, in her twenties, with another young lady in the pleasure. I had the opportunity to see her and meet her and she is a very true, natural western pleasure horse. Her championships are in western pleasure youth and amateur, trail, and I think horsemanship. Shes a shorter mare with lots of bone and body, very pretty headed and a big soft eye. "E"s sire is Goodbar in Gold, who was runner up(reserve world champion) 2 times, he is an all around horse and has several points and was all around honor roll champion 2 years in a row when he was showing. I showed palominos and was in awe how such a big horse could stretch out beautifully for the english then tuck right back up and do the trail and western pleasure without much effort - was very easy for him. I loved to watch him at the shows and how quiet he was. Hes a tall horse, and directly by Zippos Mr Goodbar(hence the passing of that roan gene) and is out of a tiger leo mare, which, by continued successes, is a proven tried and true cross... for a winning combination. Goodbar in Gold(Es sire) has several foals from numerous foal crops over the years, but hasnt been heavily promoted mainly due to his owners' health. When I purchased "E", she had test bred him to a few mares but since she also had his sire, and the cremello color was just recently approved for registration into AQHA, mainly used his sire for her broodmare herd. Previously, the double dilutes, cremellos and perlinos - were only allowed into outcross registries. Now, AQHA registers them and they have the same rights and respect with their other single creme gene brothers and sisters.
CR Hes Good Money
AQHA stallion
visit his website at
Our other stallion, CR Hes Good Money , is a "dunskin" , a buckskin dun, even though it says buckskin on his AQHA papers. Genetically he carries the dun factor as well. He is foundation bred on the bottom side, with Wimpy and King several times on his dam, but his sires side was the most interesting to us, with Docs Hickory crossed on Sticks An Stones - a notable barrel racing sire and proven producer of stakes horses... there is some thoroughbred on his top side, Docs Hickory is Doc Bar - who is by Lightning Bar by Three Bars ... but Zippo Pine Bar is by Zippo Pat Bars who is also by Three Bars. Three Bars was a thoroughbred but one of the most recognized, influential ones of the quarter horse breed. Our stallion, "CB" was bred by the Coley Ranch in Alabama, who mainly produces barrel racing horses in their market. This colt was sold as a weanling, and he was broke to ride by our neighbor, but never bred. When we purchased him, he had been standing in a barn for 3 years... no turnout, no riding, just in the stall. I saddled him up when I brought him home, and he rode off like he was 20 years old. One of the smoothest, softest horses Ive ever ridden... including gaited horses. His transitions were easy and natural and his agility truely surprised me. He hadnt been out of the barn much less saddled, and only had 90 days on him as a three year old, then when I went to ride him he loped around on a loose rein and even would rollback and pivot... lots of try in him. My plans of purchasing him to make a great gelding out of him changed once I rode him.
Hes homozygous agouti, which means he will always throw the "black points" black legs/black mane and tail - onto his babies. And, hes homozygous black as well, which means he will never sire a red foal. His babies on a red mare have a 50% chance of being buckskin, and 50% chance of being bay. Bay is better than red any day in my book! He also has a creme gene, being a buckskin/dunskin, so when bred to another creme based horse( ie palomino or buckskin) he can produce a perlino... which we had one this year, buckskin x buckskin, and as a stud colt... a perlino when crossed on red mares gives buckskin 100% of the time, just like when a cremello is crossed on red mares its palomino 100% of the time. We have had several outside customers breed to CB this year, once finding out how he was bred... there are quite a few top notch barrel racing mares bred to him for next year!
Mainly, I was looking for a way to create a good minded - one of my top priorities - well conformed - not necessarily a halter horse but one that is pretty headed with a good hip and shoulder, a horse that will hold up and last soundness wise and not be predisposed with leg abnormalities or issues that would cause problems down the road - but I also wanted the soft, fluid movers that the western pleasure horses are known for... but be able to breed one that has the size to cross into the english events if they choose, maybe not as a complete speciality but to at least be "able" to trot out correctly to get some all around points and something else on their resume, if their owner decided they wanted to - but I also like a pretty horse. I appreciate a horse of a different color, everyone has a bay and a red one.. .nothing wrong with those, there are some great ones out there. Its hard to find the good ones in the other colors though... and thats what I would like to change.
Be sure to visit his page to see several pictures and details!
Especially in this economy, Its Good to be Gold...
We stand 2 stallions that help you create your own little gold nugget... whether for your own "pleasure" or as a smart choice in the horse market for buyers to choose from.
Stats First Goodbar, aka "Lil E" is an AQHA cremello
(read our cremello page for all your color questions!)
that will guarantee you palomino and buckskin foals.
There are a few considerations,(read that on the color page, too) in the IF for AQHA and BT for APHA...also in NSBA, NCQHA Breeders, CVPHA(paints and quarters), whew!
Little E's sire is Goodbar in Gold, he is a multiple Reserve World Champion in Western Pleasure, has ROMs in Hunter Under Saddle, Western Pleasure, and Trail...He was also the Hi Point Performance Horse in the nation while he was showing.
Versatility is a hard thing to find in the pleasure horse industry today.
I had the pleasure to watch this young stallion show and win while I was also showing PHBA. His demeanor and attitude from one class to the next impressed everyone around.
So many people think that just having a good sire is going to get you a good foal. It probably will. But having a good sire and a GREAT dam, your chances are even higher for creating a champion...His Dam, Stats Nicolette has one of the best performance records in the palomino line, and has proven herself in the show ring time and time again with 6 world and reserve championships and over 2000 points in events such as western pleasure, youth trail, horsemanship, hunter under saddle and showmanship. She is still showing into her 20s today with a new little girl.
Double Creek purchased Lil E in the fall of '10. He is broke to ride, and rides beautifully, but was unshown due to his owners' other commitments(not horse related) to life, this does not mean that he can't show, he just missed the young-horse futurity window that many stallions are promoted in. His owner also owned the sire, and the dam, so it was not her top priority to promote the son, as she had 'the factory' (ha ha). There is a video below taken after 3 years without being saddled. Litereally, pulled out of the pasture, brushed off and ridden. To me, that showed me a huge willing disposition, and memory recovery that was very impressive. Love his personality. I have some 'liberty' footage I will upload for you to view as well.
Lil E has the size to really help produce a nice all around capable horse, at 16h he can still help them jog and lope, as well as long-trot and be able to canter for the english. Nice free shoulder and 'lift' get that front leg 'out there' for the lope required to do well in todays performance events. The goodbar 'hock' and impulsion from behind creates a beautiful, deep stride that enables the horse to drive up underneath himself and prepare the lope or canter correctly in a rhythmic, not-hurried stride. Gorgeous headed with the classic Skipa Star influence.
Little "E" has NO IMPRESSIVE in his lineage whatsoever. In fact, if the NFQHA(foundation horse association) would accept cremellos as registration, he would be eligible for 96% foundation registry. They do not allow double dilutes into their registrars. Its okay, we all know what he is. Here is a link to his lineage, to see as far back as you'd like: Stats First Goodbar Full Pedigree
Not that Impressive is a bad thing in a horse, he created beautiful bodies and strides for future generations to awe over...but we don't like Impressive all over the pedigree, and "E" is an excellent outcross for your Impressive bred mares, to add just enough foundation and modern influence while still going the pleasure direction.
Lil E will guarantee buckskins when bred to bay or black mares. There are some considerations, such as if your mare carries a grey, dun or roan gene, read our Cremello color page for full details, or give me a call. He will 100% of the time produce palominos when bred to your red(sorrel or chestnut) mares.
Look at what an edge you will have to offer the buyers market in the sea of sorrels and bays...yours will be buckskin and palomino!

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